Jentech offers high-quality Drill Rod, Casing and Accessories from the industry’s top manufacturers. Jentech works closely with customers to design and provide high-quality drill steel and subs for virtually all methods of drilling. From conventional drilling to core drilling, reverse circulation and dual tube, we can help, with experience, quality steel and service. From API to Beco, we have thread experts to help you out.
Wireline Drill Rod
Drillers Edge Wireline Drill Rod by Di-Corp offers unbeatable durability in some of the harshest drilling conditions. Threads are precision machined on heat-treated alloy steel tubing ensuring a tough, strong, straight, concentric product. The Di-Corp Drill Rod offering available through Jentech includes the industry standard ‘WL’ thread design, the patented ‘D’ thread, as well as ‘R’ and ‘WT’ thread designs.
English | Español
- S-Maxx Wireline Drill Rod
- Reverse Flank Wireline Drill Rod
- Deep Hole Wireline Drill Rod
- LITE Wireline Drill Rod
- Standard Wireline Drill Rod
Wire Line Casing
Drillers Edge Wire Line Casing by Di-Corp offers the industry standard ‘W’ design in all sizes as well as the commonly used ‘WT’ design used in the larger diameter product. Carbon steel tubing ensures a tough, strong, straight, concentric product. All Casing is precision machined to an industry ISO standard ensuring a quality joint fit as well as compatibility with existing industry product.
Available in the following sizes:
- BW Casing (10ft, 5ft and 2ft)
- NW Casing (10ft, 5ft and 2ft)
- HW Casing (10ft, 5ft and 2ft)
- HWT Casing (10ft, 5ft and 2ft)
- PW Casing (10ft and 5ft)
- PWT Casing (5ft and 2ft)
Adaptor Subs
Jentech stocks the most commonly used Di-Corp Adaptor Subs for the Exploration Drilling industry. All other sizes and configurations are available upon request. Adaptor subs pass through a Quality Control process prior to being released to the market as a finished product.